Services | MoveTrue
Sports Massage and Soft Tissue Therapy in Bury

Sports Massage and Soft Tissue Therapy

Exercise Therapy/Prescription

Musculoskeletal Assessment

Mobility Classes

Joint Assessment
Sports Massage and Soft Tissue Therapy
MoveTrue utilises many types of soft tissue management techniques with sports massage, deep tissue massage, soft tissue release, Functional Range Release (FR) and myofacsial release all being options during a session when the therapist sees it as necessary. Sports massage and all of these other soft tissue inputs provide a window of opportunity for you to progress and achieve good quality movement.
Musculoskeletal Assessment
Using principles of Functional Range Assessment (FRA) and Functional Range Release (FR) a combination of palpation and table testing assessments are carried out to obtain a clear picture of your tissue quality and movement capabilities. Specific treatment strategies are then built and followed in order to restore tissue function. This assessment will be done at the beginning of your session so that treatment can be tailored to the areas of tissues which need it the most, thus offering the greatest impact and improvement.

Joint Assessment
MoveTrue view joint assessment as a fundamental aspect of any treatment plan. Using the principles of FRA, we gather and record a thorough and accurate picture of the capabilities and limitations of the deepest tissues of your body with precise baseline measurements. With the detailed assessment results in hand, a more precise and beneficial treatment/training plan can be devised using Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) to improve ADL’s (activities of daily living), sports performance, general movement potential etc.
Exercise Therapy/Prescription
Increasing your body awareness and control is vital to a full recovery and prioritised in the treatment plan. FRC principles are utilised to systematically increase mobility, strength and body control both during a session and as homework to continue progress. The programmes produced should be used as a long term strategy to keep driving development and improvement over time, and will be adjusted as and when needed to avoid training stagnation. Sessions will include some active participation either on a treatment table or on a mat.

Mobility Classes
MoveTrue offer fun and challenging classes which follow all the principles of FRC aimed at maximising body control, flexibility and usable ranges of motion. Classes are approximately 75 mins, places are limited so advanced booking is essential.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be sports person to have treatment with MoveTrue?
No. We treat anyone and everyone no matter what your level of activity, age or background. We aim to assist people in moving better and restore physical function in any areas of concern.
Will I have time to do the exercises prescribed to me?
That’s ENTIRELY up to you! Specific routines given as homework will generally take between 10 mins and 30 mins a day of your time. To create biological change within human tissues there has to be consistent directional forces put through them over a period of time. If creating change is a priority for you, then you should prioritise doing the exercises daily.
Will exercises be prescribed specifically for me?
Absolutely. Exercises will be prescribed for you based on the findings of your 1-1 assessment/treatment to ensure fast and long-lasting improvement.
How is FR treatment different to a sports massage?
Functional Release treatment is far from a massage in that it is significantly more accurate when locating and identifying tightness and tension in areas of tissue. This comprehensive system uses assessment, palpation and force application both passively (by the therapist) or actively (by the client).
What is a typical treatment like?
It depends on the issue presented and the goal of the client, but expect to do a little bit of active work as well as recieving various types of soft tissue treatment.
How many treatments will I need?
The severity of the injury/dysfunction and/or the goal(s) of the client will dictate how many sessions are required. The techniques used during sessions are highly effective and, provided the exercises prescribed are carried out, tissue quality and overall function will rapidly improve.
Request an appointment or send a message
Telephone or Text: 07717784394